Abstract:Solid-state circuit breakers require multiple IGBT in series to cut off the short-circuit fault current, and a hybrid voltage-balancing control circuit topology is proposed to address the problems of uneven voltage distribution, high local voltage, and high loss of multiple IGBTs. Analyze the influence factors of voltage equalization of multiple IGBTs in solid-state circuit breaker, and study the performance of voltage balance topology. Optimize the buffer circuit structure, improve the charging and discharging buffer circuits, and reduce the loss; introduce the dual-threshold clamp control circuit to improve the IGBT over-voltage; and propose a hybrid balancing voltage control strategy that combines the passive voltage equalization and the auxiliary feedback active voltage equalization, which accelerates the response speed and achieves the dynamic adaptive regulation of voltage equalization. The prototype is fabricated, and the simulation and experimental verification of the solid-state circuit breaker design topology and control are carried out, and the results show that the hybrid balancing voltage control circuit can reduce the over-regulation of the IGBT circuit, have stronger over-voltage suppression capability, and improve the response speed.