Editor in chief:Prof. Sun Shenghe
Domestic postal code:2-369
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He Xiangchang , Zhang Rongfu , Wu Xiao
2016, 39(11):1-5.
Abstract:At present, artificial field sampling and laboratory instrument analysis are the main ways to test water toxicity, which has defects that sampling error is big, detection process is complex, fails to reflect the status of polluted water changes in time. It is difficult to meet the demand of the water environment monitoring development. Therefore, this paper designs a kind of water synthetic toxicity online detector based on luminescent bacteria. It has designed a photoelectric detection circuit in the hardware. The device with STM32F103ZGT6 as the core, using photomultiplier tubes to collect fluorescence signals and turning into a weak current signal, after a followup circuit amplification processing and A/D conversion transmit to MCU. Then communication with PC through RS232 and RS485. With related software system, it can be realtime monitoring and online intelligent analysis. The experiments show that it can be finished within 10 minutes, and it can effectively distinguish 1 mg/L of toxic substances. The detector has good sensitivity, accuracy and repeatability, which is suitable for most kinds of water synthetic toxicity online monitoring.
Liu Hong , Liu Lei , Lin Sheng , Chu Jifeng , Li Shucheng , Chen Xudong , Sun Xiaofei
2016, 39(11):6-10.
Abstract:For recent oscillating wave test system (OWTS) which is used for cable insulation detection, most literatures mainly focus on its brief working principle and field tests. Based on the existing work,the structure, the parameter settings and the detail working principle of OWTS are further analyzed, meanwhile, with the Simulink, OWTS model is built and the process of the partial discharge (PD) signals occurring and detection is simulated; On the base of simulation, a small OWTS is successfully developed, by setting cable point defects artificially, the system was tested and the result shows that the developed system successfully simulates the working process of OWTS and collects the PD signals in accordance with point discharge characteristics, which proves the effectiveness of the developed system.
2016, 39(11):16-18.
Abstract:To improve the accuracy of digital countering intanstanerous frequency measurement(IFM), a new technology with time frequency converter(TDC) is presented. The measured signal frequency can be obtained by counting the number of the signal in the pulse and using the TDC to measure the pulse width. In FPGA, the basic sequence of frequency measurement is designed, and the control of TDC and the calculation of the data are achieved. In order to improve the stability of the iIFM, the calibration method of TDC is designed, with the measurement of a standard pulse inserted to correct the drift of TDC. The experiment shows that the measurement accuracy of this new method is about 0.3 MHz for the input signal with pulsewidth of 1 μs and the carrier frequency of 1~2 GHz, while the measurement time is less than 1 μs.
Yao Fei , Tao Cai , Liu Shouyin
2016, 39(11):30-35.
Abstract:This paper investigates the distance measurements performance of ranging by POA(phase of arrive) and implements a small underground parking lot positioning system based on POA. AT86RF233 uses phase shift measurements of different carrier waves to calculate the distance. This paper designs the variable amplitudelimiting and average filtering algorithm to improve realtime and smoothness performance of ranging results. Then implements the centroid localization algorithm based on weighted minimum mean square error which improves the centroid selection method of centroid localization algorithm in 3anchors indoor position system. The field experiments’ results verifies the effectiveness of the algorithms. the tracking accuracy of the indoor positioning system reaches submeter level and it can be used for vehicle and personnel tracking in small indoor parking lots.
Wang Yumei , Wang Lel , Feng Hongkun , Ren Baoxuan
2016, 39(11):36-40.
Abstract:The major function of anti grade trip of underground coal mine power supply system is making the distributing point nearest from the fault point trip. However, singlebus connection is employed among every distributing points which makes the anti grade trip a complicated twostage communication network and will hardly meet the realtime requirement. The underground anti grade trip program is proposed based on the idea of substationarea protection, this program is implemented by a singlestage communication network which is composed of a RTEthernet constituted by substationarea protection device and monitoring host. The main function of substationarea protection device includes collecting electric information of distributing points from underground power supply system and confirming malfunction and upload malfunction information. The monitoring host locates the distributing point where the malfunctioning circuit lies by fault matrix method then sends a tripping order to the substationarea protection device to impel the breaker nearest from the fault point to trip. Meanwhile the realtime property of the anti grade trip system is guaranteed by the application of high performance RTEthernet. Experimental results show that this program can make the breaker nearest from the fault point trip, and in the mean time meets the real time requirements of the underground anti grade trip, thus providing a new solution to the coal mine grade tripping.
2016, 39(11):41-45.
Abstract:This paper proposes a faulttolerant design method for SRAMbased FPGA by using dynamic reconfiguration technology. This method adjusts the degree of redundancy of the system depending on the various soft error rate. When the error rate is low, the system adopts duplication with compare (DWC) which has lower area overhead and power consumption. If the soft error rate is high, the system switches to the triple modular redundancy (TMR) to eliminate the effects of a single error. By taking the representative circuits in ISCAS’85 benchmark as redundant modules, this paper explains the implementation of faulttolerant structure of dynamic reconfiguration by using Proxy LUT and EAPR (earlyaccess partial reconfiguration) technology. Finally, the paper compares the simulation results with the stateoftheart static fault tolerant technique and thus validates the advantages of the proposed method in the aspects of area and power consumption, its area overhead and power consumption is small.
2016, 39(11):56-59.
Abstract:The experimental method is performed pertaining to reconstrct Martian atmospheric density based onaccelerometer by analyzing inertial data in abroad and its principle and feasibility have been discussed. According to the data of Phoenix Mars lander and MarsGRAM, the minimum indicators for the resolution of accelerometer is required to higher than 0.000 1 G and corresponding to the data of MarsGRAM. Compared with the data of Phoenix Mars lander, it demonstrates that accelerometer can be used to reconstruct Martian atmospheric density.
Duan Jundong , Chen Jialin , Xie Yunhui
2016, 39(11):60-64.
Abstract:Excitation regulator plays a positive role in improving the voltage regulation characteristics of the generator, but the analysis of the current measurement is not enough. In order to study current measurement value of excitation regulator characteristics influence were established two simulation models of generator automatic excitation voltage and fixed excitation voltage, and the Thewenin’s equivalent circuit of excitation regulation device in the current analysis. Analysis and simulation results show that the excitation regulator in the stable machine terminal voltage and intensified between the generator and the system oscillation, and the introduction of the current measurement value is by the generator voltage and system voltage vector difference oscillatory was characteristic of low frequency oscillation of the alternating current, the current will exacerbate the oscillation between the generator and the system. Finally, the correctness of theoretical analysis is verified by further simulation.
Du Yingfeng , Chen Wanmi , Fan Binbin
2016, 39(11):65-70.
Abstract:In a mobile robot control system, path planning technology occupies the important position, because it determines the robot in the movement the efficiency and accuracy in the process of obstacle avoidance. And associated with the path planning algorithm is gradually become the focus of research scholar experts.With matures and application in the field of science and technology development, we will be facing more complex and changeable movement environment, so the emergence of swarm intelligence algorithm creates more possibilities for the future. Based on the ant colony algorithm, artificial, artificial fish swarm algorithm algorithm, invasive weeds as the main line, introduces the theoretical analysis and application of them respectively, and then the corresponding improvement, for their respective deficiencies in the improved algorithm is analyzed and the robustness, stability and precision of optimization results.
2016, 39(11):71-74.
Abstract:In order to eliminate the Gibbs phenomenon existing in the boundary point or discontinuity in the process of timefrequency domain conversion and improve the accuracy of the data after transformation, a method for pulse extraction, which uses rootraised cosine function during extracting pulse, for the rolling oscillation error because of the boundary or break point introduced by rectangle window at time domain,is introduced, by analyzing the causes of the Gibbs phenomenon in the process of timefrequency domain conversion rolling oscillation error in the process of rectangle window extraction. In order to restrain Rolling oscillation error, an advanced method, which is rootraised cosine Kaiser extraction, is proposed. It could be found that the Gibbs phenomenon is eliminated by the rootraised cosine Kaiser extraction through MATLAB simulation and comparison of the data.The effectiveness is proved by the simulated result at last.
2016, 39(11):80-84.
Abstract:Present the comprehensive protection algorithm combining Fourier transform, wavelet transform and wavelet entropy theory for the accuracy of the protection algorithm used by the underground coal mine protector, Resolve the sampled signal into stationary and nonstationary signals using the wavelet multiresolution analysis characteristic, and process stationary signals using Fourier transform and dealing with nonstationary signals using wavelet entropy. Establish the model of underground power supply and distribution system, and simulate the improved protection algorithm. The result shows that the comprehensive protection algorithm combining Fourier transform, wavelet transform, wavelet entropy theory reflects the operating status of underground power lines more comprehensively, and it has good theoretical value to achieve reliable operation of underground coal mine protector.
2016, 39(11):85-88.
Abstract:Traditional Gaussian mixture modeling algorithm has the poor shadow suppression, and the problem of noise and being sensitive to illumination change also exist. In this paper, an improved Gaussian mixture modeling algorithm is used to extract the contour of moving objects. Gaussian mixture model is combined with Canny edge detection to extract the contour of objects with the help of the strong adaptability of Canny edge image to noise and illumination. However, this method is of high complexity and large amount of calculation, which can not meet the requirements of realtime video analysis. So this paper designs and implements the algorithm of contour extraction of moving objects based on CUDA platform by using GPU’s advantages of powerful computing power and parallel processing. Experimental results indicate that the algorithm improved the adaptability of noise and illumination, and effectively suppress the shadow in images. It can extract the contour of the moving objects in video sequences faster than in general environment under the precondition of the effect.
Dai Shu , Xin Xin , Qian Zhenxing
2016, 39(11):89-93.
Abstract:This paper proposes two reversibledata hiding in JEPG imagebased on homomorphic encryptionschemes:inseparable and separablereversible data hiding. In the inseparable scheme, data extraction can only be done in the plaintext, and image recovery is performed simultaneously. In the separable scheme, the data can be extracted directly in the ciphertext, and the image recovery and decryption is conducted after data extraction.The accuracies ofthe extraction hidden data of the two schemesare both 100%. At the same time, for the higher time costs of homomorphic encryption, the two schemesmerge several factors into one before encryption to save the time to some degree.
Lu Shaojun , Guo Danting , Liu Shouyin
2016, 39(11):100-104.
Abstract:TI ZStack, a protocol stack up to ZigBee standard, focused on building low power, low rate wirelss sensor network(WSN). Aiming at it’s not direct access to the Internet, the application of HTTP protocal in ZStack is provided. Firstly, With the aid of the network chip ENC28J60, uIP protocal is ported to the ZStack providing the ZigBee easy access to the internet. Secondly, encapsulating the TCP client mode in the uIP protocol stack realizes the POST requirement in the HTTP protocal. JSON markup language widely used in the internet is adopted to transfer data to the PC datebase so the simple and effective communication is ensured. Finally, with the use of this program collecting temperature and humility and transfer the related data to backstage, and realize the realtime data curve drawing of temperature and humidity and displaying of ZigBee network topology.
2016, 39(11):109-112.
Abstract:LVDT linear displacement sensor is a highprecision, highly reliable linear displacement transducer, widely used in the displacement measurement system in the field of industrial automation. Currently, there is a common problem that the linearity and intelligence performance of the sensor is on the low side, for that reason, the AD698 is choose as of the core of simulation control system, with STM32F407 as the core of the digital control system. In order to realize the high dependability and adaptability of analog signal rate and reach the advantages of solving nonlinear by digital signal processor, we adopt the scheme of the combination of analog signal processing and digital signal processing. The experiments show that the system has advantages of simple design structure, powerful function, high cost performance, easy operation etc.
Chen Xudong , Chen Zhangjin , Li Hanchao , Jiang Pengcheng
2016, 39(11):113-117.
Abstract:About the analysis of audio signals, an approach to calculate the spectrum of signals based on FPGA is introduced in this paper, and the design is based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC).The architecture and implementation of 4096point fixedpoint FFT and the calculation of modulus of complex numbers based on CORDICis presented. To verify resolution and accuracy of the hardware system, the simulation result in Modelsim is compared with MATLAB, and relative error of this spectrum analysis method is 411%.MCU is used for sampling and AD conversion and sending data to FPGA via SPI, to compute the spectrum. When sampling frequency is 60 kHz, the analysis range of the system is 14.65 Hz to 30 kHz, and the system reaches 14.65 Hz frequency resolution. This hardware system is tested through spectrum analysis experiments, and successfully implements computation of spectrum of audio signals.
Xu Qi , Liu Ping , Zeng Yuqiao , Jiang Tao
2016, 39(11):118-121.
Abstract:ZPM check valve in the pump is easily damaged in the process of work, in order to promote production safety and efficiency. On the analysis of the check valve in the ZPM pump working condition, that combined the technology of signal analysis and processing, based on the LabVIEW, with dynamic signal acquisition card, dualcore highperformance controller and PXI chassis as the foundation of hardware, the key technology of signal acquisition for ZPM oneway valve is designed. In the process of design, the modular programming idea and the muftithread processing technology are adopted, and the designs of the loop buffer and of the data storage strategy are also carried out, at the same time. In addition, it also gives the corresponding program block diagram and code. After the test, the monitoring system is compared with the vibration signal analysis instrument of LMS International Corporation. The collected signal precision meets the requirement. Thus, the system has a longterm and continuous stable operation to achieve unattended automatic monitoring.
Tao Hongbo , Fang Yong , Xu Guanghong , Bu Dongyao , Jin Yanliang
2016, 39(11):126-130.
Abstract:In this paper, a remote monitoring system for air quality in vehicle is designed based on Kalman filter. The microprocessor Exynos 4412 is used as the controller and signal processer in this system. The data of PM2.5, PM10, formaldehyde, temperature and humidity are obtained by gas sensors.The mean filteringis used to eliminate pulse noiseof data and the Kalman filtering is used to calculatethe optimal estimation values. Thesedatadrawgraphics are displayed on theAndroid boardand sentto mobile terminal for remote realtime monitoring.When the data is more than the normal threshold, the mobile terminal is able to give the acoustooptic alarm and control the car air system. The experimental results show that the system can effectively improve the accuracy of pollution monitoring and mobility.
Li Zhaoyuan , Fang Yong , Yu Zongze
2016, 39(11):140-145.
Abstract:ECG monitoring has high requirement on reconstruction accuracy for ECG signal, and is an important application of WBAN where existing problem of low power consumption. Although power consumption is reduced by current ECG reconstruction algorithm, but frequency domain characteristics of ECG signal are not fully utilized. In this paper, a method of ECG denoising and reconstruction for wireless body area network using compressed sensing based on thresholding is proposed. Based on CS theory, ECG signal is sampled in sensor node using a fixed measurement matrix, then it is denoised and reconstructed in sink node using a fast reconstruction algorithm based on thresholding after transmitted to sink node. Simulation result shows that this method has advantages such as high reconstruction accuracy, fast reconstruction and high performance of denoising.
Li Zhen , Ye Shengb , Gao Yunze
2016, 39(11):146-150.
Abstract:A new compact ground penetrating radar system has been built and an android application of realtime signal processing has been developed with Java language in the demand of reinforced concrete detection, which can help the engineers to work efficiently and conveniently. The radar data would be received in real time, and be drawn into singlechannel oscillogram and grayscale images, and stored in the SD card. At the same time, a realtime steel rebar recognition algorithm has been proposed and applied to signal processing client, realizing automatic identification of the target in reinforced concrete structure. Experiments show that the algorithm has high accuracy and good realtime performance.
Shi Yaxing , Zhang Liuqiang , He Yan , Zhang Jian , Luo Xiaoli
2016, 39(11):151-154.
Abstract:Energy spectrum is one of the best important methods for the nuclear radiation analysis. The nuclear pulse received by the detector is translated into electrical signal and sent into ADC after shaping, followed by processing of the MCU and output of the spectral data. The higher sampling rate can detect the more accurate nuclear signal and achieve higher energy resolution. But high sampling rate and sample bits cannot have both. Multiplexing technique is proposed to control multiple 16 bits ADCs sampling parallel to realize a higher sampling rate. Based on the NI USB7845R Multifunction RIO Card, the multichannel spectrum analysis system with 1 M/s sampling rate is realized by combination of two 500 k/s ADC, the system performance and the stability all are verified in this paper. The experimental results show that the multiplexing technology can be used to improve both the sampling rate and the energy resolution of the energy spectrum analysis system under the condition of without changing the hardware circuit.
Kong Shuya , Ye Wei , Lao Guochao
2016, 39(11):160-163.
Abstract:Synthetic aperture radar(SAR) imaging which use compressed sensing(CS) technology able to restore thetarget image clearly by using less observations date, but the presence of broadband suppress jamming in the echoeswould seriously undermine the sparsity of the scene, resulting in deterioration of image quality. Study an suppression method of broadband suppress jamming by using adaptive compressed sensing which based on selective measurement, the method by constructing a compressed domain projection filter and combined with noise joint detection algorithm to perceived the positional information of interference adaptively, then to selection measurement of the SAR echo signal, and to avoid the influence of interference on the sparsity of SAR echo signal from the "source". The simulation results show that this approach not only reduces the amount of data processing of SAR system, at the same time, making the quality has improved significantly of SAR image, proved the effectiveness of this method.
Deng Hao , Wang Junfeng , Qiao Ming , Wei Yucheng , Wang Chenxi
2016, 39(11):168-172.
Abstract:According to the latest research progress of theInstitute of electronicsChinese Academy of Sciences on the miniature full polarimetric SAR flight experiment, a brief introduction of miniature SAR load and flight platform’s system composition and technical index are provided, on the basis of this, the flight experiment of polarimetricminiature SAR route planning, data processing and imaging results are emphasedin this paper. The imaging results show that four channels of full polarization micro SAR’s target is clear, the focusing effect and imaging quality are good, and the resolution is better than 0.3 m. The experiment is verified that the small light aircraft of miniature SAR system full polarization remote sensing, data acquisition and imaging processing capacity, has achieved remarkable target. This flight experimentbased onpolarimetric mini SAR remote sensing will have laid a solid foundation in variousapplications.
Yu Jianfei , Zhong Jilong , Shao Shuai
2016, 39(11):178-182.
Abstract:As the core composition of flight control system, the performance of flight control computer decides the whole performance index of flight control system, which ultimately affects the flight safety. As for the complicated structure and function of fulltime and fullauthority digital flybywire flight control system, this paper designs a set of test verification system for the automatic flight control computer function and performance test, taking automatic flight control computer test as the purpose, including the signal vote, redundancy management and control law software testing and so on. Through the dualredundant flight control computer test, the test verification system can effectively test the function and performance of flight control computer, reaching the design requirement.
2016, 39(11):183-186.
Abstract:For the problem that temperature sensors of mine belt transport system can’t be inspected in real time and on site, design a based on Smith estimated compensation control for portable underground conveyer temperature sensor detection device. The working principle of the device is introduced in detail, the hardware design of thermostat, intrinsically safe power supply circuit and the drive system based on the Smith prediction control is expounded and the flow chart of main program software is given in this paper. The experimental result and field operation results show that the device has the characteristics of convenient carrying, accurate measurement, realtime and onsite detection and so on.
Editor in chief:Prof. Sun Shenghe
Domestic postal code:2-369