• Volume 39,Issue 3,2016 Table of Contents
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    • >Research&Design
    • Research and design of suntracking control system

      2016, 39(3):1-3.

      Abstract (1372) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The suntracking control system enables received surface of the solar optics always perpendicular to the incident light, which can significantly increase energy received of the solar thermal power generation system, greatly improve the power generation efficiency of solar power generation systems. This paper presents a dualaxis sun tracking control system based on STM32, which can switch the solar trajectory tracking control method and the photoelectric tracking control method automatically according to the lighting conditions , and adjust the motor rotation to complete accurately the position of sun around the clock tracking. Test shows that the sun position accumulated error value of the dualaxis tracking control system is less than 2 degrees per hour. The system basically meet expectations, and has a higher practical value on solar thermal products.

    • Study on the modeling and simulation of the natural environment in naval combat

      2016, 39(3):4-13.

      Abstract (1209) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The environment is an important reference factor for combat decisions, environment simulation directly affect the fidelity of combat simulation. This paper reviews the current status of the development of domestic and foreign simulation on naval combat environment, also analyses and lists the impact of the environment on the war in the point view of combat decision and how to build environment model in combat simulation. Meanwhile, combined with foreign advanced environmental simulation software, the current development status of foreign environment simulation is introduced , and the future development of the environment simulation in domestic battlefield is imagined. Both from the perspective of environmental models built and from the development of environmental simulation software, we put forward a good reference. It works great for the future development of domestic environmental simulation.

    • Design and implement of ship generalusing water detecting and alarming system

      2016, 39(3):14-17.

      Abstract (1014) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The design idea and implement process of water detecting and alarming system which uses SPC exchange net and water detectors is introduced. The system controls the triode’s base voltage using the conductive characteristic of water, controls the relay switching to call alarm center using the switching characteristic of the triode. The alarm center identifies the calling number, and then dials related user to implement voice alarm. Tests show that the system works stably and has good realtime property. The system can satisfy the requirement and provide certain ptomotional value and applied value.

    • Prediction method of equipment performance parameter based on improved wavelet neural network and grey model

      2016, 39(3):18-22.

      Abstract (1079) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Prediction of equipment performance parameter is an important part of PHM(prognostics and health management),which has great significance for improving the efficiency of equipment support. This dissertation proposed a combined model,which is based on grey model and improved wavelet neural network. The residual of grey prediction is trained in the wavelet neural network to correct the consequence of prediction.Also the learning efficiency is enhanced by the improvement of wavelet neural network.By analyzing the output frequency data of VCO in a intermediate frequency unit for a certain radar,the experimental results shows that this combined model has higher prediction accuracy and generalization ability.Therefore it’s feasible to apply the combined model in the prediction of equipment performance parameter.

    • The simulation analysis of modular multilevel inverter

      2016, 39(3):23-28.

      Abstract (1144) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper introduces the structure and working principle of modular multilevel inverter, according to the characteristics of modular multilevel inverter and its application in the highvoltage and highpower, the capacitor voltagesharing control algorithm based on sorting method combined nearest level modulation are applied to achieve the capacitor voltage balance and the stability of the system. Then, a simulation inverter model of 7 level is built by MatlabSimulink using the above mentioned control strategy. The module capacitance voltage fluctuation and the harmonic distortion rate of f inverter output voltage and current have been analyzed to show that the inverter output waveform is of high quality, has less harmonic content, capacitor voltage fluctuation for SM is small and verify the rationality and validity of capacitor voltagesharing control strategy and nearest level modulation strategy.

    • >Theory and Algorithms
    • Wavelet based Kalman filter for gyroscope denoising

      2016, 39(3):29-33.

      Abstract (1315) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to effectively compensate for MEMS (micro electro mechanical system) gyroscope random drift, and improve the carrier attitude estimation’s precision, a wavelet based Kalman filter is proposed.First,the wavelet analysis method is used to do multiscale decomposition with the data of gyroscope to the data signal smooth, then the data analysis of time series modeling to establish the gyro error model is carried on, the low frequency signal of wavelet decomposition is used as the system input, using linear least squares fitting to improve Kalman filtering algorithm , reduce the zero random error of gyroscope. Experiments analyzed the static stationary signals and nonstationary dynamic signal, and made comparative analysis with the treatment effect. The simulation results show that the method can effectively reduce the SNR, improve the accuracy of gyro.

    • Adaptive harmonic detection algorithm based on fourier series

      2016, 39(3):34-37.

      Abstract (1347) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Noise cancellation is used in the traditional adaptive harmonic detection algorithm containing integrator, but the direct signal which is gained from integrating the original signal containing active components will fluctuate. In order to handle this issue, this paper proposes an adaptive harmonic detection algorithm based on Fourier series. Applying the decomposition principle of Fourier series, the adaptive algorithm is used to correct the coefficients of every order’s Fourier series, and then the fundamental active and reactive current amplitudes are gained. The fundamental active and reactive current can be calculated by multiplying the fundamental active and reactive current amplitudes respectively with the unit sin and cos signals which are output by PLL. The simulation proves that the method proposed in this paper can fast detect the fundamental active and reactive current amplitudes steady and depress the ripple of DC signal.

    • Eddy current loss analysis of electromagnetic coupling wireless power in the environment of metal shaft

      2016, 39(3):38-41.

      Abstract (1442) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the wireless power technology using in the project, it is normally that a mathematical model of serious eddy current loss coupling structure of primary and secondary coil is passed through by metal shaft in the working environment. Establishing a transport model of electromagnetic coupling wireless power supply system,the analytical expressions of eddy current loss is deduced by solving Maxwell’s equations,analyze the eddy current losses in the system work eddy current loss characteristics combined with electromagnetic coupling model and eddy current losses in metal medium model. To verify the theoretical results, utilize Maxwell electromagnetic simulation software to analyze eddy characteristics,combined by the final experiment described ferrite magnetic shielding material for suppressing the effect of eddy current loss in metal environment.

    • New adaptive Turbocoded modulation method over fading channels

      2016, 39(3):42-45.

      Abstract (1604) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Considering the low spectrum resource utilization restricting highspeed data transmission over fading channels, this paper proposes an adaptive Turbocoded modulation to maximize the spectral efficiency of system. Fading channel is divided into N adjacent regions, and Lagrange Multiplier is used to obtain the optimal switching thresholds under an average power constraint and biterror constraint. Numerical results show that the spectral efficiency of adaptive Turbocoded modulation has a 2~3 dB gain in performance with the same complexity of TCM scheme, and within 3 dB of the fading Shannon limit; comparing with the not optimized 4 fading regions and the optimal 4 fading regions, nearly 1 dB performance gain can be obtained. The average spectral efficiency of wireless communication system can improve significantly.

    • >Information Technology & Image Processing
    • Image Hashing algorithm based on stacked autoencoder

      2016, 39(3):46-49.

      Abstract (1297) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the rapid development of network in the large image, image hashing algorithm has attracted interests as an approach of approximate nearest neighbor algorithm in the image retrieval system. In this paper, we proposed the deep hash which based on deep learning models . The high dimensional global are extracted by deep convolutional neural network, then using stack autoencoder to get the parameters of the models by unsupervised learning to get the binary hash code. Finally using the hamming distance to compute the similarity of the images. The deephash proves the better results in image retrieval.

    • Improved single image dehazing method using atmospheric veil

      2016, 39(3):50-55.

      Abstract (1289) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Under a haze and mist weather condition, the scattering and absorption due to atmospheric particles tremendous influence on contrast and visibility of the surveillance images. In this paper, the image fog removal principle using atmospheric veil is discussed, for the bilateral filter leads to gradient reversal artifacts while atmospheric veil estimate is refined using a bilateral filtering, an improved single image dehazing method using atmospheric veil is proposed. Firstly, the atmospheric scattering model was simplified. Then, the estimated atmospheric veil is refined using an anisotropic diffusion filtering to overcome the weakness of the bilateral filter. Finally, the tolerance mechanism is used in algorithm, the error estimates of atmospheric veil in sky region is corrected, so as to overcome the color distortion in these region. Experimental results show that improved algorithm can efficiently improve the visual effects of dehazed image.

    • Efficient mapping method for DPO image processing

      2016, 39(3):56-59.

      Abstract (1090) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper proposes an efficient geometric transformation method in order to improve the computing efficiency, which is low caused by the conventional backward mapping method, in Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (DPO) image processing. To make use of the feature of DPO image, the proposed method transfers the direction of the backward bilinear interpolation algorithm to forward, so the great calculation relating to background pixels can be ignored. Theoretical simulator and research results show that the proposed method can effectively accelerate the image processing, at the same time, avoid reducing peak signalnoise ratio (PSNR). Its effect is more obvious in DPO image processing, which includes many background pixels. Experimental results show that the probability of abnormal capture is improved because of the shorter acquisition dead time, so demonstrate the proposed method is reasonable and effective.

    • Design and implementation of intelligent medical suspension tower system based on machine vision

      2016, 39(3):60-64.

      Abstract (1404) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In recent years, the application of the medical crane tower is becoming more and more important in the operating rooms, so the healthcare industry puts forward higher requirements about the medical crane tower, mainly in the respect of security, reliability and intelligence etc. This paper designs an embedded intelligent medical crane tower system after studying many kinds of path planning algorithms, and gets the obstacle information of the medical crane tower system. This system uses the machine vision system, through the image processing technology to make obstacle analysis about the surroundings of medical crane tower. In addition, this paper proposes a realtime obstacle avoidance algorithm for the specific work environment of the operating room. The experimental results show that the medical crane tower system can achieve the function of stable automatic operation and realtime obstacle avoidance, and also have the features of security、reliability and intelligence etc.

    • >Embedded Technology
    • Design of elevator controll system based on singlechip

      2016, 39(3):65-69.

      Abstract (1613) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper designed an elevator controller based on singlechip. The hardware circuit of the controller,which is mainly used for floor display, moving direction indication and input of floor request signal,is simple and reliable. The software part of elevator controller followed three priority principles so as to reduce the response time of request, which has improved the efficiency of the elevator. Test results show that the controll system is stable.According to software simulation and hardware circuit,elevator controller achieved predetermined goal and can be further extended for the needs of different floors.

    • Design of alarm circuit system of magnetic door based on MUC

      2016, 39(3):70-73.

      Abstract (1656) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at antitheft alarm, the magnetic door alarm circuit system based on MCU is proposed. The system is easy to integrate, which can be used in the development of integrated circuit.The circuit system almost consist of magnetic door and alarm circuit, it also contains the program of MCU software. The basic requirement of alarming is related with sensitive reaction of circuit system. The paper firstly use Multisim to set up and simulate circuit to discuss and analyze alarm circuit based on relay and alarm circuit based on nand gate. The research proves that the ability of two circuits’ response is limited to millisecond level with the simulation of trigger pulse of MCU . It theoretically shows the correctness of the basic framework of the circuit system. At the same time, through the physical application test of the alarm circuit based on relay,it shows that the magnetic door alarm circuit system is sensitive and reliable.

    • Design of embedded ARMLinux monitoring system of oxygen saturation

      2016, 39(3):74-79.

      Abstract (1479) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Oxygen is the basis of life activities,and hypoxia can cause many diseases.The system uses Samsung's S3C2440 ARM9 embedded microprocessor cores in order to achieve the oxygen saturation which is an important physiological parameters in real time and accurately monitor,make the system has good portability, stability and functional diversity .The system finished embedding Linux operating system on S3C2440 transplantation, write, transplantation, and yaffs2 based root file system driver system. S3C2440 to communicate with integratedanalog front end AFE4400 via SPI bus, which realized the blood oxygen saturation data processing, analysis and display. Experiments show that the system is stable and efficient and has good stability.This system has built a very important significance embedded ARM_Linux medical monitoring system.

    • Design and implementation of IP core for AS5643 serial bus

      2016, 39(3):80-84.

      Abstract (1551) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SpaceWire is a new generation highspeed interconnection bus technology proposed by the European space agency,and it has been gradually applied to the construction of spaceborne equipment network.Satellite with Plug and Play standard requires intellectualization of node equipment with SpaceWireinterface.A bus controller IP core of Spaceware interface module that connects AMBA bus in the SoC is proposed.This paper detailed ellaborates the system architecture of the interface control module and the implementation of the whole system. An RTL simulation is conducted to the IP core of the AMBA bus controller and the functions of SpaceWire hardware is verified based on FPGA.

    • >Application of Programmable Device
    • Application of the encoder unit in the CINRAD/SA radar

      2016, 39(3):85-90.

      Abstract (1488) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This thsis described the function and the logic circuit structure of the CINRAD/SA encoder unit ,and analyzed the concrete function of resolve excitation signal generator, rotary transformers, the Resolve to the Digit Converter and the Programmable Logic Devices. Then it was analyzed deeply that how the encoder unit used the the synthesis and correction program control strategy of coarse codes and fine codes to achieve high precision radar antenna control. Finally, this paper analyzed the practical application of the encoder unit in the CINRAD/SA project which can prove that the performance target was achieved. References about maintenance and research of CINRAD/SA servo system can be provided to weather radar technology support staffs at all levels.

    • Study of the timing sequence of EnDat protocol based on FPGA

      2016, 39(3):91-94.

      Abstract (1599) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Domestic study of EnDat protocol limited to reading position from the encoder, the registers of encoders had never been used, while the registers contained important parameters. According to the handbook of EnDat protocol, this paper designed the interface circuit for accessing the registers of heidenhain LC183 absolute linear optical encoder; tested and analyzed the timing sequences between siemens SMC20 and heidenhain LC183 absolute linear optical encoder, programed a process on FPGA and realized the register access timing sequences. Experiments showed that the designed interface circuit and the realized timing sequences can be used to read the registers of heidenhain LC183 absolute linear optical encoder normally.

    • Implementation of digital phosphor display algorithm based on SoC FPGA

      2016, 39(3):95-99.

      Abstract (1436) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Digital phosphor display technology provides a new perspective for electronic engineers. Compared with the traditional methods, it can reduce the dead time of waveform observations effectively. As the waveform capture rate is improved greatly, some occasional signals were more likely to be captured. This paper builds the threedimensional waveform on the platform of SoC FPGA, and implements the overall design in onchip system. The system uses FPGA to implement phosphor algorithm. By the means of onchip bus, FPGA connect to a hard core ARM CPU and forms an onchip system. Finally, we install a Qt app on the ARM to implement the display of waveform and the user interaction. After the test, the waveform capture rate of this system can be over 50000 wfms/s. This system could be used to observe some transient signals, which were hard to be seen in traditional methods.

    • >Sensor and Non-electricity Measurement
    • Application of data fusion technology in fire detection system based on the Internet of things

      2016, 39(3):100-105.

      Abstract (1515) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The method of data fusion can make up for the results of single sensor data,which is incomplete and partial defects. A fire detection algorithm based on neural network and fuzzy theory is proposed and applied to the fire detection system in order to ensure the accuracy of the judgment . Through the use of neural network toolbox and fuzzy logic toolbox, MATLAB simulation and analysis are carried out on two kinds of algorithms. The conclusion is drawn that the combination of two algorithms is suitable for fire detection. Finally, using VS2010 to realize the function of fire detection algorithm based on the development platform of the detection system. The algorithm realizes the process of fire data, obtains the probability of fire occurrence, judges the possibility of fire and ensure the accuracy of the judgment.

    • Design of soil moisture sensor based on principle of frequency domainreflectometry

      2016, 39(3):106-109.

      Abstract (1964) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to achieve the refinement of modern agricultural production requirements, this paper designed a portable soil moisture sensor, it can realize automatically collect and transfer soil information. The system takes the MCU as the core, via wireless transmission technology and uses TCP/IP protocol to send the data of soil to the remote control center and process it. This system overcame the disadvantages of traditional soil moisture sensor such as the low precision and bad real time capability and difficult to carry. The analysis results show that:error of FDR soil moisture sensor measurement is small and data transfer is correct, so it can be able to complete work reliable. The sensor is simple to use, not only suitable for use by technicians in the field, but also has practical significance through the soil moisture monitoring to guide agricultural irrigation.

    • Boost phase tracking of ballistic missile based on heterogeneous sensors

      2016, 39(3):110-113.

      Abstract (2412) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The main contribution of this paper is to effectively track ballistic missile target during its boost phase, by utilizing heterogeneous measurement information from SBIRS and OTHR. In regard of the missile motion properties during its boost phase and the working principle of the sensors, employ the boost phase motion model and the sensor measurement model. Under the UKF filtering framework in nonlinear system, centralization and distribution fusion strategies are proposed for trajectory estimating in boost phase and target tracking. The simulation result shows that the overall data fusion filtering performance from multiple sensors is better than the single sensor filtering performance.

    • Design of the airborne piezoelectric sensor conditioning circuit

      2016, 39(3):114-117.

      Abstract (1093) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In some of testing system, as an nonelectricity acquisition device, acquisition equipment with high internal resistance and is subject to the charge of am signal is little , charge of the easy backend secondary equipment impedance wasted, leading to a relatively poor acquisition precision. In order to solve the above problems, this article designed a charge signal conditioning with high precision, high stability and strong antiinterference performance. Compared with the traditional charge signal conversion equipment, the charge signal conditioning in this paper has a high precision, small error and small volume, it is more suitable for the application in the complex airborne environment. Through constructing test environment test shows this method is effective and feasible, this method can be applied in other nonelectricity piezoelectric sensor data acquisition occasion.

    • >Photoelectric Detection
    • Research of attitude algorithm method of the twoaxis FOG continuous inclinometer

      2016, 39(3):118-121.

      Abstract (975) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In view of the small diameter of fiber optic gyro inclinometer application demand, an attitude algorithms of continuous survey system based on an improved attitude heading reference system was proposed. The algorithm fuses aerospace inertial navigation model and petroleum logging parameters, including two optical fiber gyroscopes and three accelerometers to form inertial measurement unit (IMU). According to inertial navigation principle, an improved attitude heading reference system is extended to the wellbore survey field. Using the output data of IMU after the algorithm calculated, the attitude angles of dynamic continuous logging is calculated by the quaternion method. The algorithm decreases one optical fiber gyroscope than general IMU, thus reduces the volume, weight and cost. The simulation results show that the algorithm meet the demand of oil well logging technology.

    • Study of RSSI ranging optimization techniques based on particle filter model

      2016, 39(3):122-126.

      Abstract (1532) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Ranging technology based on RSSI (received signal strength indication) is a distance measurement technique with the features of low cost and low complexity. It is widely used in indoor wireless location. Ranging error is relatively large with the impact of NLOS indoor and multipath transmission. For this reason the paper presents preprocessing the received signal strength values with Particle Filter and using BP artificial neural network to measure the distance. According to the result of the experiments, RSSI ranging accuracy and antijamming capability have been significantly improved by this method. Compared with the traditional algorithm, the maximum measuring precision is reduced from 2.56 m to 1.06 m.

    • Path extraction and tracing of smart car based on linear CCD

      2016, 39(3):127-130.

      Abstract (1552) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Extraction track information and tracing based on linear CCD is a key link in the development of smart car. This paper first introduced the linear CCD with matters should be noted in the use of the process. Then introduced the black and white border extraction algorithm. The effect of dirt or shadow on boundary extraction is eliminated by using corrosion method. Three kinds of track search methods are proposed. The methods are the center line tracing method, single track tracing method and track prediction method. The advantages and disadvantages of the three methods are compared in detail. Finally, the author makes use of the single track search method to complete the production of intelligent vehicle, the use of the limited resources of the Carle microcontroller to ensure that the race is not out of the runway.

    • Autonomous landing guidance system of a fixed wing UAV based on infrared visual

      2016, 39(3):131-135.

      Abstract (1290) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fixed wing UAV autonomous landing guidance system needs high precision, fast tracking speed. This paper designed and built a set of infrared vision based UAV automatic landing guidance systems. Firstly the visual landing guidance system principle, composition, and analysis of the mathematical model is introduced; And the visual identification logo,the guidance system image processing algorithm and the visual tracking algorithm, visual landing guidance control structure has been desingned. Finally, the reliability, tracking speed and precision of the system were verified by field experiments. The experimental results showed that the designed landing guidance system could meet the requirements of the precise autonomous landing of a fixed wing UAV.

    • >Data Acquisition
    • Modifiedindoor localization algorithm based on received signal strength

      2016, 39(3):136-140.

      Abstract (1588) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the paper, a modified linearization algorithm of indoor localization based on Received Signal Strength (RSS) in wireless sensor networks is proposed. Compared to the original RSS linearization algorithm that linearly approximates the exponential relationship between distance and RSS only using one line with a constant linear slope, the modified linearization algorithm piecewise linearizes the exponential relationship according to the relationship between the mobile point and all anchor nodes in the wireless sensor network. The rootmeansquare error of the modified algorithm is very close to the corresponding Cramer Rao bound (CRB), and the modified algorithm is with good ability in antinoise. For the case that anchor nodes are distributed irregularly, the proposed algorithm has obvious advantages in the performance. Meanwhile, the correctness and effectiveness have been verified by the simulated results.

    • Research and implementationof a plan arrangement system for space target data acquisition task

      2016, 39(3):141-145.

      Abstract (1352) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Plan arrangement is an important part for radar to acquire space target's observation data, and to provide a reasonable observation plan for radar equipment. This paper introduces a plan arrangement system which used in the space target's data acquisition. Tncluding the orbit elements of the space target, using SGP4 model to calculate a variety of observation characteristics of the target, including the shortcut elevation, viewing angles and subsatellite point, consider with the equipment to make a reasonable observation plan,accomplish the function of scheduling. Eventually,the space target orbit calculation algorithm and data analysis on the VS2010 compile environment is realized, and observation task scheduling, result display and data storage is also achieved.

    • Study on frequency detection of week signal based on Duffing Oscillator

      2016, 39(3):146-150.

      Abstract (1137) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The frequency range of traditional chaotic detection methods is very narrow, complex multioscillators are essential when we meet the demand of wideband signal. According to this problem, one new algorithm is proposed in this paper, which made full use of periodic signal frequency characteristic and frequency detection approach based on Duffing oscillator. This method made spectrum analysis of oscillator output, abandoning the traditional periodic driving force, that could reduce the difficulty of tuning and increase the system stability. Simulation results show that, this method can achieve accurate detection of frequency signal, compared to others, new method has high accuracy (10-4magnitude) and low complexity in implementation.

    • Data acquisition implementation method under strong electromagnetic field

      2016, 39(3):151-153.

      Abstract (898) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In strong electromagnetic field environment, it is difficult for the traditional data acquisition system to carry out effective and reliable data acquisition accurately.To deal this situation, a variety of electromagnetic shielding options have been taken, including designing electromagnetic shield to shield the frontend interference of the acquisition system, building fiberoptic Ethernet to ensure the purity of transmission data, etc. In addition, taking FPGA as the main chip of data acquisition systems and using DSP for data compression and transmission. The results show that the whole system is more stable and reliable, and the antiinterference ability has been greatly improved, and the precision and transmission speed of the data acquisition have also been improved, which act as effective solution to the data collection and transferring under complex electromagnetic environment.

    • >Online Testing and Fault Diagnosis
    • Application of improved RS485 module in environmentmonitor for warehouse

      2016, 39(3):154-156.

      Abstract (1065) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An opticalcouplerisolated and automatically transmitted and received RS485 module is designed for system of environmentmonitor for warehouse. The isolation to TTL signal of opticalcoupler PC817 and transient voltage suppressor of TVS Diode are used to separate the system from outside signal. Then the CMOS inverter which consists of Schmidt trigger SN74LVC1G14 and RC circuit can largely reduce the delay during the signal conversion. Simulation of Multisim software and the results of actually application demonstrate that not only the TTL and 485 signal can be automatically converted to each other without any delay, but also the system can accurately receive the data from sensors. Aboveall, the module can greatly improve the reliability and realtime of data transmission in the system of environmentmonitor for warehouse.

    • Design of human ECG monitoring system based on Kalman filter

      2016, 39(3):157-161.

      Abstract (1401) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aimed at ECG health care for families,and improving the accuracy of the low power monitoring ECG monitoring system,an ECG monitoring system using Kalman filter is designed and implemented. The weak ECG signals are extracted by electrodes and ECG collecting line of three lead, and then filtered and amplified through the analog front using AD8232 , then the STM32 processor is used for Kalman filter processing. At last, the actual ECG characteristics of biological electrical signals and heart rate are got in the LCD.Tested by the experimental prototype,under the condition of the human body being quiet,the result in the LCD is clear and stable,and can reflect the actual electrical characteristics of the human body. The results show that the design successfully completed the ECG signal filter processing,can meet the needs of home ECG monitoring,which means a certain reference value for family medical equipment.

    • Fault diagnosis system and method of wind power equipment based on the Internet of things and fuzzy clustering

      2016, 39(3):162-165.

      Abstract (946) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to improve the accuracy of wind power equipment fault diagnosis, the fault diagnosis system of wind power equipment based on Internet of things and fuzzy clustering is constructed. This paper, firstly, proposed the topological structure of wind power equipment fault diagnosis system, and introduced some key technologies involved; Then, the data analysis and fault diagnosis methods used in the system was presented, finally the applications of this system was given. Results show that the wind power equipment fault diagnosis system could monitor the operation of the wind power equipment, and accurately diagnosed the fault type of wind power equipment.

    • Design of wearable scapulohumeral periarthritis physics treatment monitoring system

      2016, 39(3):166-170.

      Abstract (962) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to help patients with periarthritis of shoulder to carry out physical rehabilitation train more scientifically, we design and implement a set of wearable scapulohumeral periarthritis physics treatment monitoring system. The wrist band use low pass filter, sliding filter, quaternion method and complementary filtering algorithm to accomplish realtime preprocessing, data fusion, attitude calculation and attitude angle correction; The APP acquire data through BLE4.0, and use a customdesigned algorithm to monitor and analysis posture information. And then use the results to correct and evaluate the patients’ training attitude in realtime or offline mode. After testing, this system achieve the goal of monitoring and evaluating of the physical treatment of periarthritis of shoulder, and is able to provide scientific guidance for training.

    • Development of measurement and control instrument for medical powder aerosol particle based on LabVIEW

      2016, 39(3):171-176.

      Abstract (1009) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (0) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at the problem of powder being atomized unsatisfactory, delivered extensively, and adjusted inconveniently by present medical atomizer, an instrument of powder aerosol particles which consisted of sensors, nebulizer cup, PCI6251 acquisition card and LabVIEW was developed. Output signals of flow sensor and concentration sensor were collected by PCI6251 and processed by PC to adjust the flow and the powder mist concentration accurately and quickly, as well as to adjust the feed amount and feed rate by controlling the opening of flow valve and the rate of stepper motor. The performance experiment results prove that the instrument can quickly adjust and stabilize the value and powder mist concentration near the target value; the amount of powder can be adjusted as needed at any time and the adjustment time is less than16 s, when the value control error range is1%~1%, the concentration control error range is15%~15%.

    • >Network Testing Technology
    • Research of Zigbee routing algorithm based on target ClusterTree

      2016, 39(3):177.

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      Abstract:To resolve the problem of low efficiency of ClusterTree routing algorithm and high control overhead of AODVjr.Routing algorithm,a new routing algorithm based on Target Cluster Tree is given on the basis of neighbor table and routing discovery mechanism of AODVjr.In this algorithm the ancestor nodes and descendant nodes are regarded as key search objects of the routing path between the source node and destination node,and its key point is to determine the next hop.There are two kinds of situation in the process of routing,one is that the nodes of target cluster tree are found in the adjacent nodes,and the other is that the next hop is choosed based on the improved AODVjr algorithm.The NS2 simulation results show that the routing algorithm in this paper has fewer routing hops than ClusterTree routing algorithm and less control overhead than AODVjr routing algorithm,it avoids going to extremes between these two parameters.

Editor in chief:Prof. Sun Shenghe




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